Since the first day of school, the 11th-grade English teacher Ms. Liimatta made her passion for positive words known. With this revelation one student in particular has made it their mission to exchange a different positive word every day with the teacher. Olivia Lasner, Livi to her friends, has committed to sharing a positive word everyday to her friends and teachers. Some of Livi’s previous positive words of the day have been exuberant, jubilant and splendiferous. When asked why she started the positive words of the day, Livi answered to teach people new words, expand her vocabulary and make people ask her what these words mean. Livi gets her positive words of the day from a regular dictionary and thesaurus. Livi uses one positive word per week so that “[she] can get acclimated to using the word in [her] every-day vocabulary.” Livi’s positive words are a common topic of conversation within her friend group. Friends of Livi have commented “oh my “ when Livi shares her new word. As the positive word trends setter I interviewed Ms. Liimatta about her thoughts and past experiences with the positive words.
Hudson: did you know the effect or has your positive attitude ever had this effect on your students before specifically being the positive words of the day?
Ms. Liimatta: I have actually received feedback from students before about how my positivity made the classroom environment a more comfortable, welcoming place. When I receive feedback like that, I really take it to heart. It means so much to me because it reminds me of my impact in the classroom, beyond just the content that I am delivering. Teaching is also about setting an example, and building relationships. I find that it is an ever-reinforcing loop – you give positive energy, and you get it back. Why would you want it any other way?
One more thought about this – I was shopping at a neighborhood holiday market yesterday, and I picked up a sticker that says “Hope is a discipline.” This is a quote from Mariame Kaba. I bought two stickers – one for my classroom wall, and one that I am going to give to a friend who is struggling. The world is such a beautiful place in so many ways, and I believe that we owe the world our hope. But sometimes that requires discipline. We can do it together!
Hudson: How long have you been saying a positive word of the day?
Ms Liimatta: Actually, it might surprise you to know that Livi Lasner got me into the whole “Positive Word of the Day” trend. Anyone who knows Livi knows that she has very positive energy, and she is just a joy to be around. When she started to share her positive words with me, I thought that was a great idea, and so now when I see Livi in the hallway, I think of a positive word to describe the kind of day I am having. I think my most recent word was “splendiferous.” It challenges me to think of new words, and that is always a good thing!
Hudson: have your past students ever interacted with you in the way of a new positive word a day before?
Ms. Liimatta: I actually have never had a student use a Positive Word of the Day with me, so this has been a wonderful development! Livi is one of a kind!
Hudson: Do you have any books or website recommendations for those who want to expand their vocabulary positively?
Ms Liimatta: The best advice I can give any student who wants to expand their vocabulary is to read. When I was in high school, and I was studying for the SAT, I remember using flashcards to learn words, and for the most part, those words did not really stick with me (The exceptions: ameliorate and exacerbate, which I will never forget). Reading increases your fluency with language, and when you read enough, you can actually internalize structures of language that you can replicate in your writing. I truly believe that reading anything is better than not reading at all, and almost any book that I read, whether it be popular fiction for my book club, or something I am reading for graduate school, increases my knowledge and my vocabulary. There is always at least one word I do not recognize, and look up. Of course, there are writers who challenge me more than others, and there have been times when I have had lists of unfamiliar words, which is always exciting. There is always so much to learn! Just read, and keep reading. You’ll get there.
The “Positive Word of the Day” trend, initiated by Livi Lasner and embraced by Ms. Liimatta, demonstrates the powerful impact that positivity and language can have on a classroom. Through this practice, Livi has not only expanded her own vocabulary but also sparked thoughtful conversations among her friends and teachers. Ms. Liimatta’s commitment to fostering a welcoming and encouraging environment highlights how small, consistent actions—like sharing a new word each day—can create a ripple effect of positivity and connection throughout our school . Both Livi and Ms. Liimatta remind us that the words we use can shape the atmosphere around us, making our communities brighter and more engaging, one word at a time.