It’s that time of year again at Clinton—student council elections! With the halls buzzing with campaign posters, candy giveaways, and inspiring speeches, it’s clear that this year’s election is one to watch. Questions have been circulating about who’s running for each position? Who are the people voting for?
One of the most important and creative ways Clinton students campaign is through posters. Last year, given that many roles were uncontested, students weren’t able to see as many creative posters in the halls. This year, the hallways and staircases come alive with eye-catching designs and clever slogans, making this one of the most active times in our school year. From colorful Taylor Swift-themed designs to puns on candidates’ names, the posters this year are as creative as they are memorable. One standout poster features the phrase “Like a good neighbor, Sarah is there,” with Sarah Belkas’s face on the body of someone wearing a State Farm uniform. It’s humor like this that stops students in their tracks during their busy days—many say this is one of the key ways they decide who to vote for, especially if they don’t know the candidates personally.
In addition to posters, events also play a big role in the campaign season. Candidates had two major opportunities to engage with the student body during the week of January 13th to 17th. The first opportunity came during lunch in the cafeteria, where candidates were able to speak directly with students and hand out candy while capturing moments for their campaign social media pages.
The second opportunity was the speeches. For the first time since COVID, Student Council candidates were able to present speeches in front of the entire school. This made the campaign season much more engaging and involved with the rest of the student body.These speeches allowed candidates to share their personal experiences, their qualifications for the job, and their plans for change. Each candidate did an excellent job presenting their ideas, leaving students with a difficult decision as they prepared to cast their votes.
The student council plays a crucial role in shaping school events, advocating for student needs, and representing the entire student body. Your vote helps decide who will amplify your ideas, concerns, and dreams for the future of The Clinton School.
**Candidates for the 2025 Student Council Elections**
**Note from the editors: This article was written before election results came out. Given that election results have been announced on Toddle, congrats to all those who ran and congrats to the new student council representatives!
**For CMO**
Kostas Kontoleon
Olga Egelund
Isabel Fine
**For Treasurer**
Tripp Michalek
Liv Shar
**For Secretary**
Ava Ayala
Skylar Hay
Emily Stolar
**For Vice President**
Sydney Hui
Arielle Deodath
**For President**
Alexis Kagan
Julian Chin
**For Ninth Grade Rep**
Amanda Bruner
Liam Smith
**For Tenth Grade Rep**
Sienna Penney,
Ella Rochlin
Venby Li
**For Eleventh Grade Rep**
Ayrleigh Clelland
Maya Millender
Lauren Hsu
Theo Trane
Sarah Belkas